Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Crazy busy

For those of you who have posted comments, thanks! I really appreciate any feedback I get. I apologize for the long delay in writing another post, and apologize in advance for the lack of photos in this one! I'm crazy busy at the moment, studying for university exams. I had my Japanese exams last week and the week before (written test easy, oral test made me so stressed I got sick after!), and I have a history test in 2 days, and my politics exam next week. So, once all that's over and done with, I'll do a proper post, with some nice pictures and everything. I'm enjoying studying by correspondence, as it's quite flexible and allows me to actually have an income at the same time as I'm studying! But, it is really hard work, and it would be nice to bounce ideas off others who are studying too. We do have an online component, but it's just not the same as a face-to-face conversation with your peers or teachers.

I've also been doing private Japanese lessons once a week, which seems to be really helping the speaking part. That's the hardest part for me, and although I still suck completely, I am understanding more, and am slowly starting to be able to use the grammar I'm learning. Going to be taking an intermediate Japanese university course next year, and the kanji in the textbook looks so scary!!!

On top of all that, just started taking kung-fu lessons at a womens-only studio near my house. It's so fun, and great for impressing your students with when they just won't behave! I know, kung-fu is Chinese, and I should be studying something Japanese since I live in Japan, but nothing else really appeals. Besides, this class is like an informal drop-in beginner level class, so it's not like an official class where you have to wear a uniform and learn everything in sequence. Much more relaxed, but very professional teachers (most of whom learned in Hong Kong), so it's very cool. I would feel intimidated in a regular class- I still don't know enough Japanese I think to cope with that style of class.

AND, just did another painting for the Nagoya Foreign Artist's Exhibition. It went well, and my work was received well, but as usual, no sales. Everyone always comments on how much they like my work, but no one ever buys. Sigh. I have a lovely collection of paintings under my bed if anyone's interested!!

Another reason I haven't been writing is I went through another phase of "I hate this country, why am I here?". I didn't think it was appropriate to put a bunch of shit on this blog, so I just waited until I felt better. Feel relatively okay now, but still have my moments!

So, once my exams are over and I have a life again, I will do a more detailed post with photos, including one or two from Expo. Yes, I did go once, but that's another story! I'm also going to Hiroshima and Miyajima with a friend at the end of November, so I'm sure I'll have lots of good and interesting photos and stories from that trip!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad to read posting from you again. I know how hard to studying foreign language in abroad, and i think i am pretty interested in your blog because i see your profile and know that you lived in Banff before you came to Japan ...Well i went to Canada and lived in Edmonden(right spelling ?if wrong ,i am sorry) for one year and traveled to Banff two or three times ...it's amazing place i have ever seen before...I am a female who live in Tokyo and i would like to read your posting again.
Take a good care of youself over there.
Thanks and Regards.


4:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dana

A lovely, very literate blog. Can I ask if you are still studying extramurally with Massey and, if you are, whether you would be amenable to being profiled in Massey's alumni and friends magazine, of which I am the editor?
If so, send me an email.


Malcolm Wood

10:36 PM  

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