Lovely autumn weather!
It's that time of year again in Japan, everybody's going mad to go look at the autumn leaves in Kyoto. My roommate and his girlfriend went last weekend, and ended up with some amazing shots. Would love to have included some on this site, but they are his pictures, not mine, so I don't think that's cool. Needless to say, he got some real stunners (once he managed to figure out how to get them without all the blimming people in the way!!). I would have liked to go, but I really don't like crowds. I don't mind passing through one on my way somewhere (like everyday at Nagoya station at rush hour!), but hanging out with masses and masses of people all day really doesn't appeal at all. That's probably why I haven't been to Tokyo yet, the idea of that many people in one place just makes me feel a little queasy.
The leaves in Nagoya are changing too, but it's harder to find nice maple trees here than in Kyoto, so I don't have any nice piccies this time. At least with the autumn weather, the humidity has gone out of the air, and it's actually a nice temperature during the day. It's getting a little chilly at night, but much nicer than living in a sauna!
I'm still studying for the JLPT like a woman unglued - only one week left now before the big test. There's so many little things in Japanese grammar that are similar, but used or formed in different ways. And, trying to clarify tricky points, I've been using about 2 or 3 grammar books, and looking things up on the web. Unfortunately, each description of the same grammar is different, and sometimes 2 sources even contradict each other. I like the different way of explaining things, but only if the end result (how to use it) is the same. Sometimes I feel like a hamster on one of those little wheels!! Add to that I've been sick since September, and the Sudafed I'm taking right now keeps me kind of half-awake at night, which makes me feel a little loopy most of the time. Oh well, only one more week of intensive studying, then I can have a break, and look forward to my trip back to Canada to visit the family for Christmas. Yaaaay!! I can't wait! I'm a little worried about how I will react again to Japan when I come back, hopefully I won't have to go through the whole culture shock thing again!!
So, to all of you studying for the JLPT next week, ganbatte ne!!
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